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Birgir Stefansson Interview

Birgir Stefansson Interview by the Spanish writer in Iceland Jordi Pujolá


Birgir Stefansson Interview by Leana Clothier and Jordi Pujola
Birgir Stefansson Interview with his band in SS18

«The most shocking for an Icelander is the Spanish siesta»

with the sopport of Icelandic Mountain Guides and Secret Solstice

This interview is part of the project La Contra Islandia that puts Icelandic and Spanish cultures in contact

Pictures by Leana Clothier


Read the full article in Spanish

Birgir’s music style is considered to be a blend of pop rock and folk rock

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Check all you can do in Iceland, summer and winter

Birgir Stefansson Interview

born on September 9th, 1992 in Reykjavík, Iceland. It´s his first time in Secret Solstice

The charm of this promising and talented artist is not disregard for his fans including my photographer who admited Birgir Steinn Stefansson is very handsome

Birgir Stefansson Interview Jordi Pujolà pict Leana Clothier
Birgir Stefansson Interview by Jordi Pujolà

Albums on Spotify:

  • 2017 Birgir EP
  • 2018 Glorious and Home

  • Do you live from music or do you do something else?

I also work as a flight assistant for Icelandair in summer time (he missed the Lava cave concert and almost couldn´t come today for his own concert in Secret Solstice for a problem in an engine in Copenhagen)

It´s funny  because mixing music with that is pretty ridiculous, but it works Ok

When I have days off I use them in the studio

  • Have you ever been to Spain?

Yes, many times.

My parents own an apartment in Torrevieja Alicante and

I usually go once per summer,

but I haven´t been in 2 years because I was finishing University, Social studies

Birgir Stefansson Interview the Icelandic Chris Martin
Birgir Stefansson Interview summer 2018 Secret Solstice

Birgir Stefansson in Spain

  • What do you like from Spain

The weather, the heat and the sun; the food (la paella)…

I´ve never been to your city Barcelona, but it would be nice to go some day. My parents went there and described it as a beautiful city

Birgir Stefansson Interview we had fun in Secret Solstice 2018
Birgir Stefansson Interview we had fun talking about Spanish traditions
  • The most shocking thing of Spain for an Icelander?

Definetely la siesta, sometimes I went to the store at 4 PM and it was closed. Why? Is siesta, man

Recomendations in Iceland

  • What places do you recommend in Iceland?

The Blue Lagoon, you have to try it once and you don´t have to do it again. I shockely admit I just went once (Arnór Dan prefers the swimming pool)

and Into the glacier, it´s amazing

Birgir Stefansson Interview Secret Solstice 2018
Birgir Stefansson Interview playing in Secret Solstice
  • People say you are the Icelandic Chris Martin (Coldplay)

I take it as a compliment. It´s one of my favourite bands and Chris Martin is one of my favourite singers and songwriters. I´ve been listenning to the band for almost my whole life. There is  influence into me, so  people can see the similarities

  • When did you start with music?

The music have been always on me. I started playing piano when I was 10 years old, but I quit beacause I didn´t like the classes

I also practiced drums for 3 years, actually I was a drummer playing in many bands

Birgir Stefansson Interview ivenue SecretSolstice 18 Jordi Pujola
Birgir Stefansson Interview in the venue Secret Solstice 2018

Then my father has been a singer since I know myself (Stefan Hilmarsson, the Icelandic Eros Ramazzotti in my opinion) and I finished mixed up in the singing and songwriting and I like it. However, it was not until 2 years I started singing my own songs

  • Can you recommend some Icelandic artists?

That is a tough question, but I would say GDRN (Gúðrun) a mix of jazz and RNB and Raven

Birgir Stefansson Interview by Jordi Pujolá and Iceland Rovers

Birgir Stefansson Interview Secret Solstice 18 Iceland
Birgir Stefansson Interview in Secret Solstice Iceland 2018


Por jordipujola

Escribo novelas, creo contenidos relacionados con Islandia y llevo a cabo un proyecto de unión de culturas española e islandesa