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Asa Interview

Asa Interview by Jordi Pujolá, Spanish writer in Iceland with the support of Icelandic Mountain Guides, Iceland Rovers (tailor trips) and Secret Solstice

Read the full article in Spanish

«I don´t listen to much music because I think it interferes in the process of my song´s writing»

Read the article of the summer 2018 in Iceland

Interview Asa Elinar Gymly Secret Solstice 18
Interview Asa Elinar in Secret Solstice 2018

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Check all you can do in Iceland, summer and winter

Asa Elinar interview


Ása Elínardóttir is an Icelandic 27 years old girl who sings R&B with and incredible and deep black voice  (she is the Aretha Franklin of Iceland), but she has platinum blonde hair and blue eyes

«At the age of 9 she became obsessed by Johny Cash»

She showed up on the stage with a denim jacket, leather black trousers and sexy red shoes, she´s tall and moved like a model, her band is very professional as well

I interviewed Ása Elínar after her concert in Secret Solstice 2018

She is a great singer and composer (and mother), but also runs the restaurant Reykjavik Chips, they only cook french fries, but they are delicious and have all kind of sauces


The interview to Ása in Secret Solstice Iceland

  • Tell me something about your background?

I always liked music, but at the age of 9 I became obsessed by Johny Cash. First I wrote poems, afterwards I started singing…

and now no one can stop her

  • What kind of music do you like?

It can sound a bit weird, but I don´t listen to much music because I think it interferes in the process of my song´s writing. I don´t want to be under the influence of some other music

Interview Asa Icelandic artist SecretSolstice 2018
Interview Asa Icelandic singer Secret Solstice
  • Do you live exclusively from music?

No, we own the Restaurant Reykjavik chips (as many artists in Iceland, the little population doesn’t provide audience enough)

Read the interview to Arnór Dan, leader of Agent Fresco)

Ása likes Sjón (songwriter of Björk) and the talented Valdimar

  • What is your favourite Icelandic author?

There are many and really good, but I would say Sjón because he is also poet, songwriter and more. Read the interview

  • Is it your first time in Secret Solstice?

No, actually it is the second time. I really would like to play in Iceland Airways as well

  • Any recommendation of the line up of Secret Solstice 2018?

Yes of course, may be my favourite is Valdimar

  • Have you ever been to Spain?

Yes, many time. We have some friends in Denia and go twice or three times a year

  • What is the best from Spain?

I like the people, the food (Spanish ham), the heat, the sun…

Singles by Ása Elínardóttir on Spotify

  • Ran Away 2017
  • Crocodile Tears 2017
  • Always 2017
  • Hurts 2017
  • Starlight 2017
  • Broken Wings 2017
  • Paradise of Love 2016

Asa interview by the Spanish writer in Iceland Jordi Pujolá

Por jordipujola

Escribo novelas, creo contenidos relacionados con Islandia y llevo a cabo un proyecto de unión de culturas española e islandesa