Vicky Icelandic band is an interview by Jordi Pujolá, Spanish writer in Iceland, with the support of Iceland Rovers (tailor trips) and Icelandic Mountain Guides (15 % discount on day tours using code ESCRITOR2018)
Read the full article in Spanish (link)
Pictures by Leana Clothier @vinesunshine
Don´t miss:
- The 10 tips to go to Barcelona (link)
- 10 top wines in Iceland Vínbúðin (link)
- Interview in Morgunblaðið (link)
- The Interview to Árni Þórarinsson (link)
- Interview to Andri Snær Magnason (link)
- The Interview to Hallgrímur Helgason (link)
- Interview to Sjón (link)
- The interview to Blaz Roca (link)
- An Interview to Vök (band music) (link)
- Interview to Halldór Már (guitar and showman in TV3) (link)
- The interview to HAM (link)
- Interview Agent Fresco (link)
- An Interview to Pink Street Boys (link)
- Interview to Úlfu Úlfur (link)
Vicky Icelandic band in Secret Solstice
This article is part of the project La Contra Islandia (read more), its aim is to put in contact Icelandic and Spanish cultures. This blog was official media in the concerts of Secret Solstice

Vicky Icelandic band music
I met Eygló Scheving (singer) and Ástrós (bass) from Vicky rock band Iceland on the opening of the festival 21st. June 2018
Vicky is an Icelandic melodic rock band (they can be hard as well). The members are 3 girls from Hafnarfjörður and one guy (the drummer). The band VÖK is also from this neighbourhood (read the article)
A successful rock band of girls is not a surprise in Iceland, a country that was the first of having a President woman of the nation, a lesbian First Minister and a current First Minister. Sigurjón Kjartansson, singer of HAM, said Katrín Jakobsdóttir might become a writer of crime novels in the future (read the interview)
I recommend their Instagram account @vicky_band
Vicky band Iceland a funny start
The origin of the Icelandic band Vicky: four girls met to watch their favourite TV serial Vicky Pollard. After drinking some beers and glasses of wine, they decided to form a band music. Ástrós chose the bass and started classes next day because had no idea how to play it
In 2008, the English media were very curious in that Vicky Pollard band because it´s a British serial, so they cut down the name and became just Vicky (the girls wanted to be on the spotlight, but just for their music)
Las costumbres de los islandeses (pulsa)
The music band Vicky got very important reviews, for example from the prestigious magazine Rolling Stone, and they did tours in America, Asia and Europe. Besides Secret Solstice, they have played in Iceland Airwaves as well
Vicky Iceland band
Eygló is a platinum blonde girl with freckles on the nose and shaped eyes, she looks like just a normal Icelandic girl, but when she is on the stage, she is wild like a blue fox

She lived in Brazil and speaks Portuguese. She likes listening to all kind of music
Ástrós has long dark hair, blue eyes and wears a cool leather black jacket. He says openly she is not interested in Hip Hop music (the mainstream in Iceland, read the article of Agent Fresco) and recommends the Icelandic movie Metalhead (video below)
What do you like from Spain?
They like of course the food and weather. Ástrós is going to Barcelona at the end of August, but she is not going to the beach, there are some more important things to do. If you see her, just stop her and asked for an autograph, she is very nice
Albums Vicky Icelandic band
- Pullhard (2008)
- Feel Good (2011) It was recorded in the West Fjords (read more)
- String Alone (2018)
Vicky Icelandic band stopped in 2012, but now they are again on and have a new album (String Alone ), don´t miss it!
Vicky Icelandic band is an interview by the Spanish writer Jordi Pujolá, with the support of Icelandic Mountain Guides and Iceland Rovers. 15% discount in all the day tours using promo code ESCRITOR2018